About Esh

About Esh


Created in 2015, Esh Capital is an asset manager, authorized by the CVM, headquartered in São Paulo, focused on innovative strategies and tailor made solutions. It operates mainly in the management of investment funds and estates.

Since its foundation, it has sought to differentiate itself from other market players by offering products and solutions whose main objective is capital preservation and earnings opportunities, generating value for its clients through its professionals who monitor the market and analyze the best approach to be adopted for each scenario and objective.

It has been constantly strengthened with the addition of new multidisciplinary partners, who believe in the partnership model, aligned with the company's values, since they invest a good part of their assets in the house, in the same funds as the clients.

Our values

Commitment, excellence, efficiency, ethics, innovation, overcoming, and rationality.

Our mission

To manage our clients' resources in a disciplined way, seeking the best performance for each profile through innovative methodologies and strategies.

Our vision

To be a reference in investment management and value creation for clients, and to invest in the development of our employees.

Our Team

Esh Capital does not market or distribute shares of investment funds or any other financial assets. The contents hereof are merely informative in relation to Esh Capital and its products and should not be construed as an offer, recommendation or analysis of investments or assets. Investors must make their own investment decisions. Investing in funds may result in asset losses for their shareholders, which may even result in losses in excess of the invested capital and the consequent obligation of the shareholder to contribute additional resources to cover the fund's losses. For more information about management fees, subscription fees, and the target public of each of the funds, consult the fund's documents available on the site https://www.eshcapital.com.br/. Read the prospectus and regulations carefully before making any investment decision. Investments in funds are not guaranteed by the fund administrator, portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism, or the Credit Guarantor Fund - FGC. The profitability obtained in the past is no guarantee of future profitability. The returns disclosed are not net of taxes. There is no guarantee that multimarket funds will have the tax treatment for long-term funds.

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